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Price:  18000 SKU # 30005503 View SKU View Details  
Gold Punchmarked coin of Paramaras of vidarbha of jagadeva.Gold Punchmarked coin of Paramaras of vidarbha of jagadeva.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Paramaras of Vidarbha > Jagadeva

Jagadeva (AD 1095-1134), Gold Punchmarked coin, Obv: four punches bearing the legend in "nagari" script :sri jagadeva", stylist old kannada syllable representing sri (struck twice) typical linear figure showing a temple depiciting shiva, 3.69g, 19.90mm, about very fine, Rare
Price:  1500 SKU # 30005560 View SKU View Details  
Billon Drachm Coins of Gadhaiya Derivative Coinage. Billon Drachm Coins of Gadhaiya Derivative Coinage.

Coins of India > Hindu Medieval of India > Paramaras of Vidarbha > Jagadeva

Gadhaiya Derivative Coinage (1200-1275 AD), Billon Drachm (8), Obv: stylized head facing right, Rev: warrior gallops to right over recumbent board, 4.5 g, 13.87 mm Approx each, "   ......Read More