Item 364 out of 799
Lot # 364 - Silver Rupee of Gwalior of Mahadji Rao of Ujjain in the name of Shah Alam II.
Silver Rupee of Gwalior of Mahadji Rao of Ujjain in the name of Shah Alam II.
Silver Rupee of Gwalior of Mahadji Rao of Ujjain in the name of Shah Alam II. Silver Rupee of Gwalior of Mahadji Rao of Ujjain in the name of Shah Alam II.
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  •   e-Auction # 10
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Start Price 1000 Estimated Price 1000-1200
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Quick Description
MintUjjain (Dar-ul-Fath)MetalSilver
Full Description:
Gwalior, Mahadji Rao, UjjainSilver Rupee, 12XX AH/34 RY, in name of Shah Alam II,  Obv: sikka zad bar haft kishwar saya-e-fazal-e ilah hami din shah alam badshah, Rev: manus memanat sanha julus zarb ujjain, Sword mint mark in Rev11.30g, 19.67mm, (KM # 218, 2013 Edition), about extremely fine.

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