Item 214 out of 591
Lot # 214 - Copper Square Fulus Coin of Mahmud Shah III of Malwa Sultanate.
Copper Square Fulus Coin of Mahmud Shah III of Malwa Sultanate.
Copper Square Fulus Coin of Mahmud Shah III of Malwa Sultanate. Copper Square Fulus Coin of Mahmud Shah III of Malwa Sultanate.
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  •   e-Auction # 20
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:1338
Start Price 1200 Estimated Price 1200-1500
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Full Description:

 Malwa Sultanate, in the name of  Mahmud III, Copper Square Fulus,, Coin struck in the name of  Mahmud III of Gujrat, Obv: mahmud shah bin catif shah, Rev: al sultan bin al sultan, 8.25g, 13.93 x 4.45mm, about very fine.

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