Item 535 out of 591
Lot # 535 - Copper One Eighth Kori Coin of Madan Singhji of Kutch State.
Copper One Eighth Kori Coin of Madan Singhji of Kutch State.
Copper One Eighth Kori Coin of Madan Singhji of Kutch State. Copper One Eighth Kori Coin of Madan Singhji of Kutch State.
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  •   e-Auction # 20
  •  Bids: 3
  •  Views:687
Start Price 1000 Estimated Price 1000-1200
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Quick Description
DenominationKori 1/8MetalCopper
Full Description:

Kutch, Madan Singhji, Copper 1/8 Kori (Dhabu), Obv: ruler name, Rev: "jai hind" & value, (KM Y # 83), 6.70 g, 23.10 mm, about very fine.

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