Item 294 out of 1314
Lot # 294 - Copper Square Quarter Fulus Coin of Muhammad Shah II of Malwa Sultanate.
Copper Square Quarter Fulus Coin of Muhammad Shah II of Malwa Sultanate.
Copper Square Quarter Fulus Coin of Muhammad Shah II of Malwa Sultanate. Copper Square Quarter Fulus Coin of Muhammad Shah II of Malwa Sultanate.
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  •   e-Auction # 25
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:547
Start Price 25 Estimated Price 100-150
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Malwa Sultanate, Muhammad Shah II, Copper Square 1/4 Fulus, Obv: al sultan bin al sultan, Rev: muhammad shah al khalji bin nasir shah, 1.83g, 12.21 x 11.89mm, (G&G # M176), about good.

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