Item 293 out of 1018
Lot # 293 - Copper Falus Coin of Bahadur Shah of Gujarat of Mandu Mint of Malwa sultanat.
Copper Falus Coin of Bahadur Shah of Gujarat of Mandu Mint of Malwa sultanat.
Copper Falus Coin of Bahadur Shah of Gujarat of Mandu Mint of Malwa sultanat. Copper Falus Coin of Bahadur Shah of Gujarat of Mandu Mint of Malwa sultanat.
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  •   e-Auction # 28
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:1139
Start Price 2500 Estimated Price 2500-3000
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Quick Description
Full Description:

Malwa Sultanat, Bahadur Shah of Gujarat, Mandu Mint, Copper Falus, 94X AHIn the name of Mughal Empire Humayun, Obv: fi tarikh sana, Rev: zarb mandu, 9.35g, 17.45mm, (G&G # M212)about very fine, Scarce.

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