Item 71 out of 1018
Lot # 71 - Potin Square Coin of Damsena of Western Kshatrapas.
Potin Square Coin of Damsena of Western Kshatrapas.
Potin Square Coin of Damsena of Western Kshatrapas. Potin Square Coin of Damsena of Western Kshatrapas.
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  •   e-Auction # 28
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:576
Start Price 500 Estimated Price 500-800
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Quick Description
Full Description:

Western Kshatrapas, Damsena (223-232 AD), Potin Square Unit, Elephant/Hill Type, Obv: elephant within dotted square, Rev: dotted sun, three arched hill, unlisted square shaped, generally comes in round design, 1.1g, 12.16 X 11.95mm,  about very fine.

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