Item 377 out of 396
Lot # 377 - Copper Follis Coin of Byzantine Empire.
Copper Follis Coin of Byzantine Empire.
Copper Follis Coin of Byzantine Empire. Copper Follis Coin of Byzantine Empire.
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  •   e-Auction # 3
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:868
Start Price 2000 Estimated Price 2000-2500
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Full Description:

Byzantine Empire, Nichephorus III,BOTANIATES - BYZANTINE EMPEROR: March 24, 1078 - April 4, 1081 A.D.  Copper Follis.  Class I, Nicephorus III, 7 January 1078 – 1 April 1081, IC - XC, bust of Christ facing, with nimbus cruciger, wears pallium and colobium, holding book of Gospels. Latin cross, with X at center, globule and two pellets at each extremity, floral ornament flanking below, crescents flanking above. 6.7g, 23.81mm.

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