Item 1941 out of 1966
Lot # 1941 - Rare Bowl Shaped Silver Ramatanka Ram Darbar Token.
Rare Bowl Shaped Silver Ramatanka Ram Darbar Token.
Rare Bowl Shaped Silver Ramatanka Ram Darbar Token. Rare Bowl Shaped Silver Ramatanka Ram Darbar Token.
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  •   e-Auction # 32
  •  Bids: 2
  •  Views:1465
Start Price 5000 Estimated Price 5000-6000
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Quick Description
Full Description:

Ram Darbar Token, Bowel Shaped Silver Ramatanka, Obv: rama on left of throne, turbaned, wearing strings of pearls, dhoti, jewelled belt, in virasana. sita in a sari, right hand raised, on right of throne. hanuman in front, one holding an umbrella with bent handle; leg. overhead "(Rama Sita)" . Rev: hanuman in dhoti and jama, pearl-strings, crowned, running to jumping in sky with mace in rigth hand mountain in left hand; 2 tall trees, 1 tall tree l and 1 tall tree r.; height at which hanuman is moving is indicated by smallness of 2 trees between his legs; leg. above "( raja rama sita lachhamanaki jaa hanumana sana 405)", edge plain, dotted rim with circle inside partially off the flan, 22.65g, 36.05mmabout very fine, Extremely Rare.

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