Item 211 out of 1051
Lot # 211 - Brass Half Tanka Coin of Muhammad bin Tughluq of Tughluq Dynasty of Delhi Sultanate.
Brass Half Tanka Coin of Muhammad bin Tughluq of Tughluq Dynasty of Delhi Sultanate.
Brass Half Tanka Coin of Muhammad bin Tughluq of Tughluq Dynasty of Delhi Sultanate. Brass Half Tanka Coin of Muhammad bin Tughluq of Tughluq Dynasty of Delhi Sultanate.
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  •   e-Auction # 37
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  •  Views:358
Start Price 5000 Estimated Price 5000-6000
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Quick Description
DenominationTanka 1/2 MetalBrass
Full Description:

Delhi Sultanate, Tughluq Dynasty, Muhammad bin Tughluq (AH 725-752/1325-1351 AD), Brass 1/2 Tanka, Obv: arabic legend; atiu allah wa atiur rasul wa ulil amr minkum muhammad (obey allah and obey the prophet and those in authority among you (qur'an IV, 62)-muhammad, Rev: arabic legend; la lau la al sultan kul al nas badahum ba'az and tughlaq at bottom,(if there were no sultan verily the people would devour), 6.8g, 15.37mm, (G&G # D411), about very fine, Scarce.

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