Item 269 out of 293
Lot # 269 - Copper Medal of Boys Hockey Runner of 1961.
Copper Medal of Boys Hockey Runner of 1961.
Copper Medal of Boys Hockey Runner of 1961. Copper Medal of Boys Hockey Runner of 1961.
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  •   e-Auction # 42
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  •  Views:665
Start Price 3000 Estimated Price 3000-4000
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Medal, Madras Sappers and Miners, Boys Hockey-Runner, Copper Medal, 1961, Obv: a royal crowned cipher of Queen Victoria and lettering on the ribbon "QUEEN VICTORIA'S OWN-MADRAS-SAPPERS AND MINERS", Rev: lettering in the center "69 BOYS HOCKEY - RUNNERS-UP - 1961", 25.17g, 38.5mm, about very fine, Scarce.

Originally formed in 1780 as the Madras Engineering Group (Madras Sappers), the oldest regiment of the corps of engineers, given the royal cipher in 1876 and became Queen Victoria’s own Madras Sappers & Miners. 

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