Item 352 out of 907
Lot # 352 - Azamnagar Gokak (Gohkak) Mint Silver Rupee 2 RY Coin of Shah Alam Bahadur.
Azamnagar  Gokak (Gohkak) Mint  Silver Rupee  2 RY Coin of Shah Alam Bahadur.
Azamnagar  Gokak (Gohkak) Mint  Silver Rupee  2 RY Coin of Shah Alam Bahadur. Azamnagar  Gokak (Gohkak) Mint  Silver Rupee  2 RY Coin of Shah Alam Bahadur.
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  •   e-Auction # 43
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:786
Start Price 4000 Estimated Price 4000-5000
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Quick Description
DenominationRupee 01MintAzamnagar (Gokak)
MetalSilverRY (Ruling Year)2
Full Description:

Shah Alam Bahadur (AH 1119-1124 / 1707-1712 AD), Azamnagar Gokak Mint, Silver Rupee, 2 RY, Obv: Persian legend Sikka Mubarak Shah Alam Bahadur Badshah Ghazi”, Rev:  Persian legends “sana julus” & “zarb Azamnagar Gohkak”, 11.4g, 23.04mm, dotted motifs, test & counter marks, about very fine, Very Rare.

Note: Gokak is a small town located about 60 miles to the Northeast of Belgaum. It served as a garrison town in medieval Deccan and came into Mughal hands soon after the fall of Bijapur. It subsequently became the headquarters of an administrative subdivision under the province (Sarkar) of 'Azamnagar and was transferred to the Nawabs of Savanur when Abdul Rauf Diler Khan secured his tenure from Aurangzeb.

The mint continued striking coins in the reign of Shah Alam Bahadur but the coins show a marked variance from earlier issues. The quality of engraving is poor and, peculiarly, 'Gokak' is written with an additional 'H' following the 'Go' as 'Goh Kak'.

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