Item 22 out of 388
Lot # 22 - Copper Coin of Damazada of Western Kshatrapas.
Copper Coin of Damazada of Western Kshatrapas.
Copper Coin of Damazada of Western Kshatrapas. Copper Coin of Damazada of Western Kshatrapas.
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  •   e-Auction # 45
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Start Price 4000 Estimated Price 4000-5000
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Western Kshatrapas, Kardamaka Family, Damazada (issued before ca. 130 CE/before 52 SE), Copper Unit, Obv: a Horse standing facing right, corrupt Greek legend around the field, Rev: a three-arched hill with crescent and wavy river line below, crescent moon and sun above, Brahmi legend "Rajno Mahaksatrapasa Ghsamotikasa putrasa Damaghsadasa",, 4.18g, 16.6mm, (A. M. Fishman # 13.7), about very fine.

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