Item 274 out of 388
Lot # 274 - Kaisar-i-Hind & British War Silver Medals of King George V.
Kaisar-i-Hind & British War Silver Medals of King George V.
Kaisar-i-Hind & British War Silver Medals of King George V. Kaisar-i-Hind & British War Silver Medals of King George V.
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  •   e-Auction # 45
  •  Bids: 6
  •  Views:221
Start Price 7000 Estimated Price 7000-10000
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Full Description:

British India, Pair of 2 Medals, Awarded to "DR. ABA Powar", Kaisar-I-Hind (1910-30) & British War Medal (1914-20), King George VSilver (2), with "Waziristan" clasp, (MYB 2007 # 168 & 164), about extremely fine, Rare as a Pair.

a: First World War (1914-20),  Silver, Obv: the uncrowned left-facing profile of King George V, legend around "GEORGIVS V BRITT.OMN: REX ET IND: IMP:", Rev: st. George on horseback trampling underfoot the eagle shield of the central powers and a skull and cross-bones, around "1914 - 1918", with bar, engraved on the edge “ JEM DR. A B A POWAR, 101 GRNDR S., 33.68g, 36.66mm(MYB 2007 # 168).

b: Clasp "Waziristan 1921-24", India General Service (1910-30), Silver, Obv: bust of King George V facing left, legend around "GEORGIVS V KAISAR-I-HIND", Rev: the fortress at Jamrud in the khyber pass, with the name "INDIA" in a wreath at the footbar with clasp "WAZIRISTAN 1921-24", engraved on the edge “ JEM DR. A B A POWAR, 1-4 BO. GRS.”43.13g, 36.75mm(MYB 2007 # 164).

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