Item 334 out of 388
Lot # 334 - Set of Medals and Badges of King George V and King George VI.
Set of Medals and Badges of King George V and King George VI.
Set of Medals and Badges of King George V and King George VI. Set of Medals and Badges of King George V and King George VI.
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  •   e-Auction # 45
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:160
Start Price 10000 Estimated Price 10000-12000
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Set of Medals and Badges, King George V & King George VI

Medal, King George V, Copper Medal, 1914-1919, For Freedom & Honor8.30g, 31.84mm, about very fine.

Medal, King George V, Copper Victory and Peace Medal, 1919, Obv: portrait of King George V, legend "Bombay-God Save The King Emperor" around the field, Rev: lettering "VICTORY AND PEACE 1919", 7.60g, 33.46mm, about very fine.

Badges, Set of 3 Badges, King George VI, First World War, British Army, Title Badge & Cap Badges, Badges with a King's Crown, one with a scroll bearing the regimental title, 'Guard'. 1.7 to 4gms, VF to XF.

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