Item 647 out of 779
Lot # 648 - Four Tola Gold of Rama Tanka of Temple Token.
Four Tola Gold of Rama Tanka of Temple Token.
Four Tola Gold of Rama Tanka of Temple Token. Four Tola Gold of Rama Tanka of Temple Token.
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  •   e-Auction # 9
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  •  Views:961
Start Price 125000 Estimated Price 125000-150000
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Quick Description
Full Description:

Temple Token, Rama-Tanka , Four Tola Gold, Large Scyphate soccer shaped medallion, (18-19AD). Obv: lord sri rama and sita seated on throne, lakshmana, bharata and shatrughna standing, below, hanuman in prayerful pose along with other rishis (saints)paying gratitude to the Lord, Rev: uni-face, Looped as usual, 20.36g, 40.99mm, about extremely fine, Extremely Rare.

Ram-Tanka or the Hindu temple tokens were made since ancient times for the purpose of worship. One would keep such treasure in their Diwali Jewelers box and worship every year on the auspicious day of Diwali. Some got the tokens looped so that they could wear it as pendant. The sizes normally vary from half tola to four tolas, the last being the largest found so far. This majestic temple-token looks so impressive that it reminds one of the five mohur of Akbar the great.

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