Item 351 out of 5248
SKU # 30002268 - Copper One Third Gani Coin of Ala ud din Ahmad II of Bahmani Sultanate.

Copper One Third Gani Coin of Ala ud din Ahmad II of Bahmani Sultanate.
Copper One Third Gani Coin of Ala ud din Ahmad II of Bahmani Sultanate. Copper One Third Gani Coin of Ala ud din Ahmad II of Bahmani Sultanate.
Price:  950  Total Views: 531


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Bahmani Sultanat, Ala ud din Ahmad II, Copper 1/3 Gani, Obv: al-mustansir billa alghani abul muzaffar, Rev: ahmad Shah bin ahmad shah al-bhamani, 5.3gm, 16 mm, 5.3g, 16.23mm, (G & G # BH88), about very fine.

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