Item 867 out of 5248
SKU # 30002785 - 1 Rupee Bank Note of India of Gopi S. Venkitaramanan Governor of 1988 issued.

1 Rupee Bank Note of India of Gopi S. Venkitaramanan Governor of 1988 issued.
1 Rupee Bank Note of India of Gopi S. Venkitaramanan Governor of 1988 issued. 1 Rupee Bank Note of India of Gopi S. Venkitaramanan Governor of 1988 issued.
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MetalBank Notes
Full Description:
Republic INDIA Note. 1 Rupee. S. Venkitaramanan. fair. Rare. 'A' Inset. Super Solid Fancy No. 14U 333333 (Ref.# D).                                                                                                                                                                                            

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