Item 1006 out of 5248
SKU # 30002924 - Coins of AHOM (Assam) Kingdom by Anup Mitra

Coins of AHOM (Assam) Kingdom by Anup Mitra
Coins of AHOM (Assam) Kingdom by Anup Mitra Coins of AHOM (Assam) Kingdom by Anup Mitra
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About the book

The book is published by in 2001.


The catalogue section of the book which covers 136 pages.


There are 15 Contents: 1.Preface, 2. Foreward, 3.The outline of early history, 4.Money in pre-Ahom kamarupa, 5.The origin and advent of Ahom, 6. Religious invocation on Ahom coins. 7. The rebel kings of Assam, 8. A study of dies of Ahom coins, 9. Victory commemorative coins of invaders, 10. Ahom coins, 11. Coins of rebel kings, 12. Photographs of coins, 13. Bibliography of Ahom coins, 14. Appendix.


Hard Bound.

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