Item 2223 out of 5248
SKU # 30004987 - Scarce Copper Falus of Malwa Sultanates of CMahammad III of Gujrat.

Scarce Copper Falus of Malwa Sultanates of  CMahammad III of Gujrat.
Scarce Copper Falus of Malwa Sultanates of  CMahammad III of Gujrat. Scarce Copper Falus of Malwa Sultanates of  CMahammad III of Gujrat.
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Malwa Sultanates, Copper Falus,  Obv: qutb al dunya wal deen abul fazal, Rev: mahmud shah bin latif shah al sultan, 7.2 g, 18.85 mm,   (G & G # M217),  about fine, Scarce.

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