Item 2794 out of 5248
SKU # 30005570 - Billon Drachma of Samanta Deva of Turk & Hindu Shahis of Kabul & Gandhara.

Billon Drachma of Samanta Deva of Turk & Hindu Shahis of Kabul & Gandhara.
Billon Drachma of Samanta Deva of Turk & Hindu Shahis of Kabul & Gandhara. Billon Drachma of Samanta Deva of Turk & Hindu Shahis of Kabul & Gandhara.
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Turk And Hindu Shahis of Kabul and Gandhara, Samanta Deva, Billon DrachmaObv: recumbent bull facing left, wearing  jhula (saddlle-cloth) & legend above, Revrider facing right, 3.18g, 17.91mm,  about very fine.

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