Item 3053 out of 5248
SKU # 30005829 - Silver One Rupee of Akbar of Ahmadabad Mint of Khurdad Mint.

Silver One Rupee of Akbar of Ahmadabad Mint of Khurdad Mint.
Silver One Rupee of Akbar of Ahmadabad Mint of Khurdad Mint. Silver One Rupee of Akbar of Ahmadabad Mint of Khurdad Mint.
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DenominationRupee 01MintAhmadabad
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Akbar, Ahmadabad Mint, Silver Rupee, Month Khurdad, RY 42, Obv: Jalla Jalalahu Allahu AkbarRev: Persian month Khurdad at the top, zarb Ahmadabad and date, 10.86g,  20.75mm, (KM # 93.2), about very fine.


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