Item 3256 out of 5248
SKU # 30006033 - Error Silver One Rupee Coin of Jodhpur with Patched Silver

Error Silver One Rupee Coin of Jodhpur with Patched Silver
Error Silver One Rupee Coin of Jodhpur with Patched Silver Error Silver One Rupee Coin of Jodhpur with Patched Silver
Price:  3500  Total Views: 894


Quick Description
DenominationRupee 01MintJodhpur (Dar-Al-Mansur)
MetalSilverYear (AH/VS/SE/AM)AH 1192
Full Description:


Jodhpur Dar-ul-Mansur, 

Silver Rupee, 

In the name of  Shah Alam II

Obv: sikka mubarak badshah ghazi,

Rev: sana julus zarb, 

11.3g, 22.32mm, 

Extra Silver metal patched in obverse

(KM #18, 2013 Edition), about fine.

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