Item 3710 out of 5248
SKU # 30006488 - Copper Kasu of Madurai Nayaks of Mangamma of Srivira script.

Copper Kasu of Madurai Nayaks of Mangamma of Srivira script.
Copper Kasu of Madurai Nayaks of Mangamma of Srivira script. Copper Kasu of Madurai Nayaks of Mangamma of Srivira script.
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DenominationCopper Kasu MetalCopper
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Madurai Nayakas, Mangamma, Copper Kasu, Srivira Script, Obv: Vishnu standing two figures are seen on either side belowRev: traces of legend, 3.6g, 15.00mm, about fine. 


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