Item 3856 out of 5248
SKU # 30006635 - A Book On Couplets On Mughal Coins of India By Manik Jain.

A Book On Couplets On Mughal Coins of India By Manik Jain.
A Book On Couplets On Mughal Coins of India By Manik Jain. A Book On Couplets On Mughal Coins of India By Manik Jain. A Book On Couplets On Mughal Coins of India By Manik Jain. A Book On Couplets On Mughal Coins of India By Manik Jain.
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Couplets On Mughal Coins of India, By Manik Jain.

Hardcover, 152 Pages.                                                                                                                                                              Couplets or distich coins is the cream of mughal empire where the knowledge of the persian script is barrier to the collectors and to simplify this an attempt is made to relish the taste, lay hidden, in the mughal coinage.

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