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SKU # 30006775 - A Book On Paper Currency In India By B.B.Das Gupta.

A Book On Paper Currency In India By B.B.Das Gupta.
A Book On Paper Currency In India By B.B.Das Gupta. A Book On Paper Currency In India By B.B.Das Gupta.
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Paper Currency in India, BY B.B.Das Gupta, 

Hard Cover, 331 Pages, 

This book attempts to give the past and the present of the system of paper currency in India. the book is in two parts : part 1 is on paper currency before 1861; part 2 is on government paper currency. This section is further divided into 8 chapter that notice : an act to provide for a government paper currency; the agency of issue; the mechanism; the cover of the issue; growth and future of the issue conclude the chapters. There are 3 appendices, one of which gives Act 19 of 1861. This book is a reprint of the 1927 edition.

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