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SKU # 30006791 - A Book on Treasures of the National Museum By N.R.Banerjee.

A Book on Treasures of the National Museum By N.R.Banerjee.
A Book on Treasures of the National Museum By N.R.Banerjee. A Book on Treasures of the National Museum By N.R.Banerjee.
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Treasures of the National Museum. By N.R.Banerjee, 

Hard Bound, 138 Pages, 

The National Museum in New Delhi is one of the richest storehouses of the cultural heritage in the world. A handy book of the type of The Treasures of the National Museum was, therefore, a long felt necessity as much for the general visitor, as for the students and scholars. The Publications Division has taken the laudable step to fill this lacuna. A book of this type cannot be exhaustive, nor can it be of the nature of a research work. The information has to be accurate as well as not too lengthy.

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