Item 4193 out of 5248
SKU # 30006972 - Silver One Rupee Coin of Farukhabad Mint of Bengal Presidency.

Silver One Rupee Coin of Farukhabad Mint of Bengal Presidency.
Silver One Rupee Coin of Farukhabad Mint of Bengal Presidency. Silver One Rupee Coin of Farukhabad Mint of Bengal Presidency.
Price:  7300  Total Views: 1201


Quick Description
DenominationRupee 01MintFarrukhabad
MetalSilverRY (Ruling Year)45
Full Description:

Bengal Presidency, Farukhabad Mint, Silver Rupee, 45 RY, "Saya-e-Fazle Elah"Couplet, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: sikka zad bar haft kishwar sayaye fazle elah, hami e dine Muhammad Shah Alam Badshah,  Rev: sana 45 julus zarb, 11.11g, 27.00mm, about very fine.

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