Item 4403 out of 5248
SKU # 30007182 - Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty

Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty
Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty
Price:  1200  Total Views: 719

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Quick Description
DenominationTetra DrachmaMetalCopper
Full Description:

Kushan Dynasty, Huviska (160-190 AD), Copper Tetradrachma, Obv: king seated cross-legged surrounded by rayed circle, looking to right,  his right hand on thigh his raised left hand holding sceptre, Bactrian legend around “PAONANO PAO OOHPKE KOPANO”, Rev: sun-god Mithra standing to left as male figure with rayed halo around his head, his left rests on hip touching pommel of sword, his right is outstretched, dotted border, Bactrian legend at the right field“MIIORO”, 15.32g, 23.57mm, (W. Pieper # 1214), about very fine, Scarce.

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