Item 4409 out of 5248
SKU # 30007188 - Gandhi Stamp Booklet of Satyagraha and The Stirrings of 2008.

Gandhi Stamp Booklet of Satyagraha and The Stirrings of 2008.
Gandhi Stamp Booklet of Satyagraha and The Stirrings of 2008. Gandhi Stamp Booklet of Satyagraha and The Stirrings of 2008.
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Stamp Booklet with 8 stamps on Satyagraha: The Stirrings issued in 2007. This booklet issued at Inpex 2008. Stamp depics picture of Gandhi, Front Cover depics all 8 stamps and back cover shows Mission statement  of India Post, Issued by Principal Chief Postmaster General, Chennai, MNH.

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