Item 4819 out of 5248
SKU # 30007598 - Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty.

Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty.
Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty. Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Vasudeva I of Kushan Dynasty.
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Quick Description
DenominationTetra DrachmaMetalCopper
Full Description:

Kushan Dyansty, Vasudeva I (190-230 AD), Copper Tetradrchma, Obv: crowned, diademed king standing facing, nimbate, holding trident and sacrificing at altar at left, Bactrian legend around “þAONANOþAO BA ... ZOΔηO KOþANO”, Rev: two armed Shiva standing facing, holding trident and diadem, bull Nandi left behind, Bactrian legend left (“OηþO”) tamgha at right, 8.27g, 22.81mm, (MACW # 3407), about very fine, Scarce.

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