Item 4831 out of 5248
SKU # 30007610 - Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Kanishka I of Kushan Dynasty.

Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Kanishka I of Kushan Dynasty.
Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Kanishka I of Kushan Dynasty. Copper Tetradrachma Coin of Kanishka I of Kushan Dynasty.
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Quick Description
DenominationTetra DrachmaMetalCopper
Full Description:

Kushan Dynasty, Kanishka I (127-140 AD), Copper Tetradrachma, “MIOPO” (Sun God)  type, Obv: crowned, diademed king standing facing left, holding spear and goad, sacrificing at fire altar left, Bactrian legend around “ÞAONANOÞAO (KA-NHÞKI) KOÞANO” (King of kings Kanishka Kushan), Rev: Solar deity Mitra standing facing towards left, nimbate, holding sword hilt with left hand, right hand outstretched in benediction, Bactrian legend at right “MIOPO”, tamgha at the left field, 16.77g, 25.30mm, (MACW # 3075-76 ), about very fine, Scarce.

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