Item 5115 out of 5248
SKU # 30007894 - A Book on Studies in Indian Numismatic Symbology by Prof. S.K. Bhatt.

A Book on Studies in Indian Numismatic Symbology by Prof. S.K. Bhatt.
A Book on Studies in Indian Numismatic Symbology by Prof. S.K. Bhatt. A Book on Studies in Indian Numismatic Symbology by Prof. S.K. Bhatt.
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Studies in Indian Numismatic Symbology, By Prof. S.K.Bhatt.

Soft Bound, 128 Pages, 

A Study in Numismatic Symbology is a new concise magnum opus on Indian Numismatics primarily analyzing in brief the significance of symbols on coins, their meaning, purpose and role in enabling a peep into the hidden recesses of india's Past, thereby guiding one to acquaint oneself with the Present as well as embellish the future. 

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