Item 5121 out of 5248
SKU # 30007900 - Roman Coins And Their Values Vol-I: The Republic And the Twelve Caesars 280 BC-AD 96, By David R Sear.

Roman Coins And Their Values Vol-I: The Republic And the Twelve Caesars 280 BC-AD 96, By David R Sear.
Roman Coins And Their Values Vol-I: The Republic And the Twelve Caesars 280 BC-AD 96, By David R Sear.
Price:  5000  Total Views: 779


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Roman Coins And Their Values Vol-I: The Republic And the Twelve Caesars 280 BC-AD 96, By David R Sear. 
Hard Cover, 532 Pages

A new and greatly expanded `Millennium Edition' of this invaluable reference work for collectors and enthusiasts, now in three volumes. The book is enlarged with a full listing of the Roman Republican series and more comprehensive coverage of the Imperial series and includes up-to-date valuations, in sterling and in dollars, and interpretations as well as new research on the chronology of coin types.


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