Item 3 out of 595
Lot # 3 - Copper Coin of Madurai later issue of Pandyas
Copper Coin of Madurai later issue of Pandyas
Copper Coin of Madurai later issue of Pandyas Copper Coin of Madurai later issue of Pandyas
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  • P-Auction # 1
  •  Bids: 7
  •  Views:1392
Start Price 8000 Estimated Price 
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Quick Description
MintBombay MintYear (AH/VS/SE/AM)1991
Full Description:
Pandyas,( later issue of Madurai), Copper, Obv: standing man on one side, Rev: two fishes, tamil legend around "ellamthaliyanan", 3.36g, 18.15mmabout fine.