Item 36 out of 648
Lot # 36 - Silver Drachma Coin of Amoghbuti of Kuninda Dynasty.
Silver Drachma Coin of Amoghbuti of Kuninda Dynasty.
Silver Drachma Coin of Amoghbuti of Kuninda Dynasty. Silver Drachma Coin of Amoghbuti of Kuninda Dynasty.
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  • P-Auction # 10
  •  Bids: 5
  •  Views:532
Start Price 5000 Estimated Price 5000-6000
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Amoghabhuti (2nd BC.), Silver Drachma (2), Obv: deer to right, female figure standing facing, holding flowerin uplifted right hand around brahmi legend," Rajnah Kunindasya Amoghabhutisya Maharajasya", Rev: six arched hill, tree in railing, nandipada & swastik symbol, around "Kharoshti legend", 2.1, 2.2g, 17.62, 17.48mm, about very fine & above.