Item 55 out of 1046
Lot # 55 - Fraction Square Copper Coin of Sangam Pandya of Pandya Kingdom.
Fraction Square Copper Coin of Sangam Pandya of Pandya Kingdom.
Fraction Square Copper Coin of Sangam Pandya of Pandya Kingdom. Fraction Square Copper Coin of Sangam Pandya of Pandya Kingdom.
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  • P-Auction # 13
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  •  Views:1444
Start Price 2000 Estimated Price 2000-2500
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Quick Description
DenominationCopper Coin
Full Description:
Pandya KingdomSangam Pandya, Fraction Square Copper Coin, Obv; two tortoise figurine within the tank, Rev: lion drawing fish, 0.88g, 9.89 X 8.45mm, about very fine, Scarce.