Item 560 out of 1046
Lot # 560 - Tin Bazarucos Coin of Indo Cochin of Malabar Cost of Indo Dutch.
Tin Bazarucos  Coin of Indo Cochin of Malabar Cost of Indo Dutch.
Tin Bazarucos  Coin of Indo Cochin of Malabar Cost of Indo Dutch. Tin Bazarucos  Coin of Indo Cochin of Malabar Cost of Indo Dutch.
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  • P-Auction # 13
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:564
Start Price 9000 Estimated Price 9000-9500
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Quick Description
DenominationTin Bazarucos
Full Description:

Indo - Dutch, Dutch Cochin, Malabar Cost, Tin Bazarucos (2), Obv: VOC monogram above numeral "8",  Rev:  cauri shell another without "8", (KM #2), about extremely fine for the type.