Item 351 out of 827
Lot # 351 - Silver Rupee of Bharatpur State of Mahe indrapur Mint in the name of Akbar II.
Silver Rupee of Bharatpur State of Mahe indrapur Mint in the name of Akbar II.
Silver Rupee of Bharatpur State of Mahe indrapur Mint in the name of Akbar II. Silver Rupee of Bharatpur State of Mahe indrapur Mint in the name of Akbar II.
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  • P-Auction # 14
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  •  Views:691
Start Price 4000 Estimated Price 4000-4500
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Bharatpur, Mahe indrapur, Silver Rupee, 6 RY ,  In the name of  Akbar II,  struck during the time of bahadur shah II, Obv: "hami-e-deen" couplet  Rev: sana julus zarb, 11.13g, 20.29mm, (KM # 126, 2013 Edition), about very fine.