Item 95 out of 827
Lot # 95 - Gold Half Dinar of Vigraharaja IV of Chauhans of Sambhar and Ajmer.
Gold Half Dinar of Vigraharaja IV of Chauhans of Sambhar and Ajmer.
Gold Half Dinar of Vigraharaja IV of Chauhans of Sambhar and Ajmer. Gold Half Dinar of Vigraharaja IV of Chauhans of Sambhar and Ajmer.
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  • P-Auction # 14
  •  Bids: 4
  •  Views:1463
Start Price 400000 Estimated Price 400000-500000
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Chauhans of Sakambhari (Sambhar) & Ajmer, Vigraha Raja IV, (1153-1163 AD), Gold 1/2 Dinar, Obv: nimbate figure of Rama standing facing left, holding bow and arrow in each hand, "sri" "ra" "ma" in devanagari, Lord Rama above hamsa bird and flower symbols with decorative motifs of lotus  flowers across field, Rev: srimad vigra/ha raja de/va in devanagari in three lines across field, star and moon symbols below, 4.05g, 19.79mm, (Arthur & Ira # 212), about fine, Exceedingly Rare.

 This highly important coin shows the early stylized figure of Lord Rama which could be related to its style found in the ancient temples of Rajasthan.

Simailar Lot was sold by CNG early this year for about Rs. 9.4 Lacs.