Item 104 out of 926
Lot # 105 - Gold Coorg Fanam of Veera Raya.
Gold Coorg Fanam of Veera Raya.
Gold Coorg Fanam of Veera Raya. Gold Coorg Fanam of Veera Raya.
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  • P-Auction # 15
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:945
Start Price 1200 Estimated Price 1200-1500
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Veeraraya, Gold Coorg Fanam, Obv: dot to the left and right of the crescent, Rev: lazy j look like jinjal and singal dot below the 3 rows of 4 dots, 0.40g, 8.65mm, (HH# 1.09.02), about extremely fine.