Item 356 out of 926
Lot # 357 - Silver one sixteenth rupee of Assam of Gaurinatha Simha.
Silver one sixteenth rupee of Assam of Gaurinatha Simha.
Silver one sixteenth rupee of Assam of Gaurinatha Simha. Silver one sixteenth rupee of Assam of Gaurinatha Simha.
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  • P-Auction # 15
  •  Bids: 2
  •  Views:582
Start Price 2000 Estimated Price 2000-2500
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Quick Description
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Assam, Gaurinatha Simha, Silver 1/16 Rupee, Obv: ruler name in assam language, Rev: legend in assam language, 'NA' at bottom, 0.75g, 8.14mm, (KM # 192), about very fine, Extremely Rare.