Item 54 out of 926
Lot # 54 - Gold Dinar of Kushana Dynasty of Kanishka II.
Gold Dinar of Kushana Dynasty of Kanishka II.
Gold Dinar of Kushana Dynasty of Kanishka II. Gold Dinar of Kushana Dynasty of Kanishka II.
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  • P-Auction # 15
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:1036
Start Price 50000 Estimated Price 50000-55000
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Quick Description
MintNo MintMetalGold
Full Description:
Kushan Dynasty, Kanishka II (230-240 AD), Gold Dinar, Obv: king standing facing, holding trident and sacrificing at altar at left, second trident above altar, around bactrian legend  þAONANOþAO KA ... NηþKO KOþANO additional Brahmi letters: VI right, THA between legs, Kharoshthi PA left, Rev: two-armed shiva standing facing, holding trident and diadem, tripedal bull nandi standing behind facing the left side with Bactrian legend at left OηþO (OESHO) and additional THA above, tamgha at left 7.95g, 21.49mm, about extremely fine, Scarce.