Item 58 out of 926
Lot # 58 - Debased Gold Dinara of Kidara Kashmir of King Meghavahana.
Debased Gold Dinara of Kidara Kashmir of King Meghavahana.
Debased Gold Dinara of Kidara Kashmir of King Meghavahana. Debased Gold Dinara of Kidara Kashmir of King Meghavahana.
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  • P-Auction # 15
  •  Bids: 2
  •  Views:2119
Start Price 350000 Estimated Price 300000-400000
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MintNo MintMetalGold
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Kidara of Kashmir, Hunnic Dynasty, Meghavahana (438 AD), De-Base Gold Dinara, Obv: Standing figure of Lord Shiva, nimbate, in classical dance form (Tribhanga Pose), making mudra by his right hand, holding trident with banners attached in left, wearing dhoti from waist below and an uttariya (scarf like dress) on shoulder (usually worn by men). In background a lioness or a tiger walking left, looking at the king with head turned back. The association of the beast with Shiva signals his identification as Pashupati or ’Lord of the Beasts’. Legend in later Brahmi ‘Sri Meghavain’ field left, Rev: a goddess, most probably goddess Lakshmi wearing flowing garb and an uttariya, seated on lotus. She holds a small lotus in her left hand and a large lotus in her right large lotus is surmounted by a Kalasa or a ’Vase of plenty’, Conch (Shankha) shell mounted on pedestal is seen in left field below with traces of Kidarain Brahmiare evident. Brahmi legend’ Jaya’ in the right field. 7.50g, 22.60mm, about extremely fine, Exceedingly Rare. An important piece of Highest Rarity,

These coins were not known before exceptionally for Dinara published by Sir Alexander Cunningham published in his book Coins of Medieval India 1894 now in the British Museum. The Dinars are exquisite examples of Kashmir Art of the Post-Gupta period. 
According to the Rajatarangini written by Kalhana in 12th century AD, the well-known historical chronicle of Kashmir, Sri Meghavahana was the grandson of Yudhishthira, the son of Bhupaditya and a ruler of Kashmir. He belonged to a family of Gonaddha. Some scholars believe that Megavahana was predecessor of Pravarasena and some consider the other way round. The Rajatarangini mentions that Meghavahna was followed by Shreshthasena, who was succeeded by Hiranya. When Hiranya died, a usurper named Matrigupta assumed the throne of Kashmir with the help of Vikramaditya of Ujjaini. Pravarasena, the nephew of Hiranya marched to Kashmir and defeated Matrigupta. Later on Pravarasena became a great king who founded a city. The history of this period in not very clear in the chronicle, but this coin remains the sole testimony to the historical existence of a king named ’Meghavahana’.