Item 60 out of 926
Lot # 60 - Debased Gold Dinara of Kidara of Kashmir of Sri Tujina I.
Debased Gold Dinara of Kidara of Kashmir of Sri Tujina I.
Debased Gold Dinara of Kidara of Kashmir of Sri Tujina I. Debased Gold Dinara of Kidara of Kashmir of Sri Tujina I.
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  • P-Auction # 15
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Start Price 200000 Estimated Price 200000-250000
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Kidara of Kashmir, Sri Tujina I (7th Century AD), De-Base Gold Dinara, Obv: standing figure of shiva facing left, nimbate, wearing kushan like knee length coat, holding trident in left hand and making offerings at the altar with the right hand, Rev: goddess parvati seated on a throne, holding a long stem lotus in left hand and holding another lotus in her right, brahmi legend "kidara" in left field and "jaya" in right the field, 7.25g, 22.80mm, about extremely fine, Extremely Rare.


This coin is associated by its composition (resemblance to issues of Toramana) and its caption "Sri Tujina" to the kings of Kashmir as described in the subsequent and third books of "Kalhana’s Rajatarangini", the Kashmir Chronicle. The most probable ascription for this coin is to the first of these kings (Rajatarangini II.11-56) who is said to have ruled in Kashmir for 36 years. The second Tunjina was also known as Pravarasena (III.97-101) and coins assigned to this monarch with his name Pravarasena are known, so it is improbable that he also issued coins with his other name. There is a sovereign named Tunjina mentioned in these books. The chronology of the Rajatarangini is very ambiguous and hazy from this period, providing dates in the first century AD according to one system and fourth century AD, according to another. A more apt date for these kings would in the 7th century, because of the mention of a king Pratapasila (III.330; related to the Indian king Harshavardhana) in alliance with a king ruling a few years afterwards. The figure on the front could be identified as the king on the equivalence of its Kushan archetype or as Lord Siva on account of the trident carried in his left hand. The figure on the reverse appears from the lotus embellishments to be Sri, but in the Saivite context of this coin, could be a manifestation of Siva’s consort Uma or Parvati. The design also owes as much to Gupta as to Kushan coin silhouette. Rarity: First known coin with Great Rarity not only because it is elucidates about the hindus dwelling in Kashmir but also it depicts the Hindu deities like Lord Shiva and Goddess Paravati. 

Was sold for Rs. 5,50,000 in the year 2013.