Item 825 out of 926
Lot # 826 - Silver Medal of Dhrangadhra.
Silver Medal of Dhrangadhra.
Silver Medal of Dhrangadhra. Silver Medal of Dhrangadhra.
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  • P-Auction # 15
  •  Bids: 2
  •  Views:747
Start Price 3200 Estimated Price 3200-3500
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Medal, Dhrangadhra, Silver, 9 Aug 1947, Obv: ashoka chakra with the diadem above and date below, with the motto in sanskrit script, on top in english “accession to the dominion of india”Rev: the jhaladip arms (three jhala ories) with diadem above, around legend, 14.89g, 33.44 X 32.04mm, about extremely fine, Rare.