Item 85 out of 926
Lot # 85 - Potin Unit of Pallava Dynasty of Narashimahaveram II.
Potin Unit of Pallava Dynasty of Narashimahaveram II.
Potin Unit of Pallava Dynasty of Narashimahaveram II. Potin Unit of Pallava Dynasty of Narashimahaveram II.
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  • P-Auction # 15
  •  Bids: 3
  •  Views:773
Start Price 1500 Estimated Price 1500-2000
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Pallava Dynasty, Narashimahaveram II (630-668 AD), "Sri Bhara" Legend, Obv: bull facing right side, in the top in pallavagrandam legend "sri bhara", Rev: a conch within a circle, 0.45g, 11.88mm, about very fine, Rare.