Item 18 out of 448
Lot # 18 - Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty of Satya Bhadra.
Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty of Satya Bhadra.
Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty of Satya Bhadra. Extremely Rare Copper Coin of Bhadra and Mitra Dynasty of Satya Bhadra.
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  • P-Auction # 16
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  •  Views:1146
Start Price 4000 Estimated Price 4000-5000
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Full Description:

Bhadra & Mitra Dynasty, Kingdom of Vidarbha, Satya Bhadra (100 BC), Copper Unit, multiple counter strike variety, Obv: elephant struck twice, ujjaini symbol, a bold swastika, traces of brahmi legend, Rev: tree railing, river with fishes, 3.0g, 16.59x15.83mm, about extremely fine, Extremely Rare.