Item 26 out of 448
Lot # 26 - Extremely Rare Copper Square Coin of Sebaka Dynasty.
Extremely Rare Copper Square Coin of Sebaka Dynasty.
Extremely Rare Copper Square Coin of Sebaka Dynasty. Extremely Rare Copper Square Coin of Sebaka Dynasty.
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  • P-Auction # 16
  •  Bids: 4
  •  Views:683
Start Price 4500 Estimated Price 4500-5000
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Quick Description
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Sebaka Dynasty, Sebakas of Vidarbha, Copper Square Unit, Obv: two humped bull with almost complete figure with raised horns facing to right, indradvaja infront, Rev: ujjaini symbol with additional design (nandipada ?). 9.80g, 25.98 x 21.10mm, about very fine, Extremely Rare.