Item 75 out of 448
Lot # 75 - Rare Gold Half Varaha Coin of Vijayanagara Empire of Harihara II.
Rare Gold Half Varaha Coin of Vijayanagara Empire of Harihara II.
Rare Gold Half Varaha Coin of Vijayanagara Empire of Harihara II. Rare Gold Half Varaha Coin of Vijayanagara Empire of Harihara II.
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  • P-Auction # 16
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  •  Views:633
Start Price 6000 Estimated Price 6000-8000
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Vijayanagara Empire, Sangama Dynasty, Harihara II, Gold 1/2 Varaha, Obv: narayana seated in padmasana with consort lakshmi on his left thigh, the god holds on one right hand the sudarshana chakra and other hands is in abhayamudra, one left hand holds the shankha while the other is aound consort waist, Rev: three line devanagari legend sri pra/tha pa /hari/hara, 1.70g, 9.29mm, (M. Girijapathi # 054), about very fine, Rare.